Men’s Silver Dog Paw Belt Buckle (Fits: 30mm & 40mm Belts)


  • Colour: Silver
  • Design: Tiger Paw
  • Fits: 30mm & 40mm Belts

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Full Product Description

The paw print buckle was designed exclusively by Peachy and is a fun style that is often bought as a present – the pad is based on a Tigers paw print, but over the years many customers have said that it could as easily be their Labrador or spaniel and so it is bought by dog lovers rather more often than Tiger lovers! Interestingly the main difference between a cat paw print and a dog paw print is that the heel pad of a dog has just one lobe, and a cat has two, so this design is not strictly correct if a real tiger follows the paw principals of a cat…We produce this paw buckle in silver and also in gold.

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